Posts tagged David Tovey
BACK TO THE BOX OFFICE CAMPAIGN: The Palace Cinema, Broadstairs, Kent

For 2025, ‘cene Magazine is launching a campaign to get visitors heading back to the box office. We will be profiling cinemas and theatres from across Kent to remind our readers how magical the experience of watching a live show or seeing a film on the big screen really is. 

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'Cene Magazine Edition #37 - OUT NOW - Giving Kent a Culture Shot

In this edition, we pull at the heartstrings with producer Bobby Harvey, celebrate Victorians farting with Tom Maryniak and sculpt British culture with Meelworm. Elsewhere, we go on a basketball journey with NBA draftee Ryan Richards, back the box office with The Palace Cinema in Broadstairs, go Greek with author Rosie Hewlett and get slammed at wrestling training school.

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