2000-year-old Roman gateway reconstructed in Kent, opens today

It will provide panoramic views across Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre

Image courtesy of English Heritage

A reconstructed Roman gateway and rampart providing panoramic views across Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre in Kent will open to the today (April 19th), English Heritage has announced.

Standing an impressive 8m high, the gateway has been built on the exact spot of one built for an original fortification in AD 43, to defend the place where the Roman invasion forces landed in Britain.

The charity has also curated a new museum display, with previously unseen objects from the collection found at Richborough, which explores the site’s history that spanned both the beginning and the end of Roman rule; from a 2000-year-old glass cup made from blown glass in the Middle East to a trader’s weight in the shape of Harpocrates, the god of silence, which is the only one of its kind in Britain.

It has long been thought by archaeologists Julius Caesar's invasion of Britain in 54BC landed in Pegwell Bay, Thanet, after a discovery of a defensive ditch and weapons in the area.

From a military base to a thriving port town and back again, Richborough is a hugely significant Roman site in Britain, often referred to as the ‘gateway to Britannia’.

At the time of the invasion, Richborough was a small island which became the location of a large fortification, discovered by archaeologists in the 1920s.

At the entrance to the defences, in 2021, a new generation of archaeologists exposed the large holes in the Roman ground surface which had held the large timber posts that had supported a wooden gateway and tower. This tower guarded an entrance to the fortification, inside which soldiers and supplies were assembled after disembarkation from a fleet of ships.

Now, centuries later, based on the archaeological evidence and Roman sculptural sources, English Heritage has intricately reconstructed the ancient Roman defence exactly above the site of the original.

 Paul Pattison, English Heritage’s Senior Properties Historian, said: “This is an historic moment. To be able to rebuild a structure as accurately as possible, and one that stands on the exact spot of the original at Richborough almost 2000 years ago, is remarkable. The Roman invasion was a major milestone in our history. We know that Richborough witnessed over 360 years of Roman rule – from the very beginning to the bitter end – but standing atop this 8m-high gateway, looking out and imagining what the first Romans might have seen, is quite an experience.”

The new gateway has been constructed in oak, using Roman-style dovetail, lap and scarf joints. The tower takes inspiration from depictions of Roman fortifications on Trajan’s Column in Rome, including the crenelated parapet with its frame of timber uprights connected to rails, to which vertical boards are nailed, using hand-made iron nails similar to Roman types.

As the main entry point to Britain from mainland Europe, Richborough transitioned from a military base to a thriving port town, originally the size of over 50 football pitches, and back to a military base again over the course of its 360 years’ history. The collection of objects found at Richborough is one of the largest for any Roman site in the country, including an extraordinary 450 brooches, over 1,000 hairpins, and 56,000 coins.

Alongside the surviving ruins of the later Roman fort, these objects add an invaluable insight into the people of Richborough. Individual items can be identified as belonging specifically to soldiers, farmers, officials, craftsmen, pagans, Christians, and women and men of all social classes, and there are even hints at individuals who travelled from other parts of the Empire, many from the areas of northern and eastern Europe as well as some from as far away as Byzantium in modern Turkey.

Visitors to Richborough will also be able to enjoy new audio guides, led by historian and broadcaster Tessa Dunlop, to accompany their walk around the site. Drawing parallels between Richborough’s Roman inhabitants and modern occupations, the guide includes interviews with real-life local miners, oyster sellers, stonemasons, a special-forces solider, a former harbourmaster and an Olympic boxer, who bring a contemporary take to life in Roman Richborough.