JEMIMASARA is launching her solo exhibition ‘I’VE LOST MY FAITH IN THIS CRAP’ at CRATE in Margate this week
Image by Oliver Goodrich
Multidisciplinary artist JEMIMASARA is launching her solo exhibition ‘I’VE LOST MY FAITH IN THIS CRAP’ at CRATE in Margate this week.
The show “is a playing with the fluidity of everyday life, merging diaristic texts with the figurative, making meaning from the ‘nitty-gritty’ and day-to-day”.
JEMIMASARA says: “ ‘I’VE LOST MY FAITH IN THIS CRAP’ is a personal show on opening up conversations and/or shutting them down. It’s about a personal internet life, blame, being a woman artist, spirals, everyday life and exploring freedom of expression.
“There's a lot of blame happening, especially and overwhelmingly on the internet. Human beings arguing about each and everything, so prone to insulting each other. With comments being said about everyone, and everything. ‘Memes’ being created about large celebrity cases or mental illness and more. What are we digesting with our eyes everyday? And does it need to be cross sectioned, debated or canceled?
Memes are a great form of communication: an idea, behaviour, image, or style that is spread via the Internet. But what about in real life? Can a woman artist create art based on ‘Meme Culture’? Can we explore our own traumas and use art and humour as a way to communicate that? Have you lost your faith in this crap? Because I haven’t.”
12TH - 18TH MAY 2022
CRATE, 1 Bilton Square, High Street, Margate CT9 1EE
The exhibition is open from the 12th - 18th May 2022 with drinks and booze on 12th May 2022, 6-8pm.
Find out more about JEMIMASARA at www.jemimasara.co.uk