Sunshine indoors - Beach Sun Retreat, Dymchurch

From an indoor beach to a John Lennon-themed room, the Beach Sun Retreat in Dymchurch is turning up the heat on the staycation circuit


Relax, unwind and settle down on the beach in the front room… wait, what?

That’s right, visitors to the Beach Sun Retreat in Dymchurch can set the temperature and light to mimic the Caribbean using its innovative indoor technology Real Sunlight.

We all know how unpredictable the Blighty weather can be and so the holiday getaway, which also acts as a wellness retreat on the south Kent coast, has been picking up international press as well as attracting some very high-profile residents.

The vision of owners Karl Emanuelsson and his wife Rohini, the house has become known for its safe sunshine as well as its evocative guest rooms, each with a different theme, from the all-white John Lennon Imagine room complete with white baby grand piano and electric guitar to the Pondicherry room with marble fireplace, roll-top bath and swing – yes, a swing.

“The main thing is to create a place where people come together with their family and friends,” says Karl. “When we designed the house we created a lot of talking points.

Karl Emanuelsson

Karl Emanuelsson

“The most amazing thing when you show people around for their first time is the reactions. Instantly, their mood just turns, they get transformed as soon as they open the door and see it. That’s what I’m really passionate about, creating those types of spaces for people.”

Back in 2010 the house was a consistently one-star-rated hotel, but it has been transformed into a labyrinth of discovery with a 3D cinema room, sauna, multiple jacuzzi baths, eight individually-designed bedrooms, bar and DJ equipment.

“I lie and think about it a lot,” explains Karl, who also has a design company called Trakk Luxury Interiors, based in Maidstone. “I want each room to be different. Firstly, I am originally from Sweden and our family home was very traditional, known as Gustavian style, and quite opulent. Also, you have the modernistic, minimalist Ikea style, too, which a lot of people follow now.

“I want to fuse them together and take everything to the next level to make people feel inspired.”

The rooms certainly catch the eye, but arguably it is the indoor beach that is the head-turner, especially in this post-Covid staycation world in which we are now well entrenched.

A Swedish innovation that replicates natural sunlight but with harmful rays filtered out, Real Sunlight offers a warming solution to winter days, and some summer ones as well.

“It’s pretty unique,” says Karl. “It has been installed in some high-end spas and luxury places across Europe. There’s a few oligarchs who have them in their private spas, for example, but it is a relatively new technology.”

Real Sunlight was developed by the same tech giants behind the sun tunnels used by Audi and Saab to test their cars – cheaper and more environmentally friendly than flying them out to the desert.

“They thought where else they could use this technology and it was noticed that the factory workers were starting to feel much better, more positive and happy, with fewer days off work,” explains Karl. “So he wanted to create this technology at home and started working with a Swedish university to make it 100% safe. 

“There was a lot of negative press about solariums at the time, so they wanted something that even babies could enjoy without having to worry about sunblock.

“You get all the health benefits of the sun but without the dangers. It is not primarily for tanning, but you do get a healthy glow.”

With beach beds, palm trees and beach sounds, it's pretty easy to chuck on your sunnies and imagine you’re somewhere across the other side of the world – a pretty good perk in a windswept January.

L - R: Joe Bill (@cenemagazine), Elissa Corrigan (@misselissac), Kirsty Hendey (@kirstyhendey) and Danny Soar (@dansoarr)

L - R: Joe Bill (@cenemagazine), Elissa Corrigan (@misselissac), Kirsty Hendey (@kirstyhendey) and Danny Soar (@dansoarr)

But more than just offering a year-round place in the sun, the house has been attracting fitness gurus and self-improvement influencers, with the likes of Elissa Corrigan (@misselissac), Kirsty Hendey (@kirstyhendey) and Danny Soar (@dansoarr) heading to the coast to experience the on-site programme run by Rohini at Y42 Wellbeing Retreats (@y42retreats).

From a treatment room to yoga-ready spaces to a private chef from Dymchurch restaurant The Mortar + Pestle Vegan Cafe, guests have the option to work on themselves as well.

“We wanted to create something that inspires people and takes them away from their everyday stresses to completely relax,” says Karl. “We want people to create these memories with their loved ones.”

For more information on the Beach Sun Retreat, visit