Chatham Historic Dockyard launches interactive Christmas experience

Visit ‘Mission Christmas: The Clausometer Catastrophe’ 

Mission Christmas: The Clausometer Catastrophe is a magical, interactive Christmas experience unique to The Historic Dockyard Chatham.

The family-friendly experience, created within the historic Mast Houses and Mould Loft, takes children into a secret location used by Father Christmas, his reindeer and his elves.

Children will need to master the magical skills and learn the elf code before graduating from Elf Academy and solving the mystery of the missing clausometer. The journey will end in a meeting with Father Christmas.

Have you ever wondered why The Historic Dockyard Chatham closes every December? For over 400 years, Dockyard workers past and present have been keeping a heavily guarded Christmas secret.

All over the world dockyards just like those in Chatham are on high alert at Christmas time, for deep in the dockyard is a secret sub station, hidden from plain sight. Here a crew of ingenious elves are stationed, poised to jump into action should Father Christmas run into trouble with his sleigh, need some help with his Santa-Nav or carefully pin-point a child staying away from home.”

On selected dates between Saturday 25 November until Sunday 24 December step into the centre of this secret world and help Mrs Claus save Christmas from catastrophe.

There will be three dedicated, quiet experience times that have been specially tailored for visitors with additional needs on Saturday 25th November, Saturday 9th December and Monday 18th December.

 In addition to the Mission Christmas experience the Mess Deck Restaurant will be open, serving festive food and drinks. The shop will be stocked with Christmas gifts and handmade products from the Master Ropemakers.

For further information and to book tickets see

Please note: The Historic Dockyard Chatham, including its ships, galleries and exhibitions, will not be open to the public during December. Visitors will only be able to experience the “Mission Christmas” event. Mission Christmas is a separately ticketed event and not included in an annual ticket.